Blount Body Sculpting llc

Blount Body Sculpting is focused on enhancing natural beauty and assisting with fat loss through non-invasive techniques such as:

Ultrasonic Cavitation Warm Sculpting uses ultrasonic cavitation which allows for non-surgical breakdown of inflexible fat deposits. Ultrasound waves cause destruction of fat cell membranes, releasing the contents of the fat cell into the body so it can be cleared naturally through the body’s lymphatic system. This causes destruction of the fat cells while leaving surrounding tissues unharmed. Since this procedure is non-surgical, there is no downtime and patients can immediately resume their normal activities.

The most common problem areas are the buttocks, abdomen, love handles (flanks), saddle bags (thighs), upper arms, inner knees and male breasts.

Age, metabolism, changes in hormones, medications, tissue structure and treatment area will have an impact on the results. To maintain the results, it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Laser Lypolysis Different than traditional liposuction, Laser Lipolysis is a treatment that delivers a wave of laser light to the fat tissue below the skin. This light therapy triggers the fat cells to release the triglycerides and fatty acids, shrinking them.

Laser Lipolysis is a non-invasive and pain-free way to lose inches specifically targeted on the abdomen, waist, hips, thighs, and arms. It is a method of body contouring improvement with essentially no side effects.

Vacuum Therapy In contrast to the conventional Brazilian butt lift, Vacuum therapy aims to help tone and tighten your rear without requiring incisions or the transfer of fat from other areas of the body.

Bipolar RF Vacuum Therapy Radio frequency (also known as skin tightening) radio frequency technology that reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks, firms skin, boosts collagen production and eliminates fat deposits. Radio frequency is FDA-cleared, non-invasive, pain-free, and requires no recovery time. he radio frequency energy penetrates the skin layers to selectively heat the skin tissue where the collagen fibers are embedded. The local heating causes a contraction of the collagen fibers, and fat cells drain then shrink, while those all important fibroblast cells (part of our connective tissue) are stimulated to produce new collagen and elastic fibers. The effect of this is tighter, smoother, younger looking skin with a visible ‘lift’. Fat cells are reduced and stubborn cellulite is less noticeable.

Many patients notice improvement in the tightness of their skin in just a few sessions. Multiple sessions are often recommended, and a typical treatment plan can vary between 4-12 sessions based on desired results and the advice of your practitioner.


Sculpts Body

Lymph drainage, accelerates blood circulation and promotes metabolism

Lifts and tones

Contours and tightens

Cellulite Reduction

More Safer and More Effective than surgery

No downtime

Long-term and natural results




Digestive Problems

Migrane Episodes


Wood Therapy is a vigorous almost deep-tissue type of massage, used to ease sore muscles, eliminate fat, reduce cellulite and encourage lymphatic drainage. These wooden tools are used to apply direct pressure to areas containing fat deposits, cellulite, or tense muscles. Much like body contouring multiple sessions are needed to see results, how many sessions are needed is difficult to say as everyone's body is different, Majority of people will see a slight difference after their first session, whereas the more noticeable differences will be seen after your 3rd-5th sessions.


Increase lymphatic circulation

Reduces wrinkles

Alleviates stress

Relaxes mind and body

Loosen tight, restricted muscles

Eliminates toxins

Speeds up metabolism

Shapes the Body


Viviana Blount
